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- 1
A. T. Arampatzis, T. Tsoris, C. H. A. Koster, and Th. P. van der Weide.
Phrase-based Information Retrieval.
Information Processing & Management, 34(6):693-707, December
- 2
J. B. Lovins.
Development of a Stemming Algorithm.
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11(1):22-31, 1968.
- 3
M. F. Porter.
An Algorithm for Suffix Stripping.
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- 4
Donna Harman.
How Effective is Suffixing?
Journal of the American Society for Information Science,
42(1):7-15, 1991.
- 5
David Hull.
Stemming Algorithms -- A Case Study for Detailed Evaluation.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47(1),
- 6
Robert Krovetz.
Viewing Morphology as an Inference Process.
In R. Korfhage, E. Rasmussen, and P. Willett, editors, Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research
and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 191-202, Pittsburgh, PA,
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- 7
M. Popovic and P. Willett.
The Effectiveness of Stemming for Natural Language Access to Slovene
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Journal of the American Society for Information Science,
43(5):384-390, 1992.
- 8
Wessel Kraaij and Renée Pohlmann.
Viewing Stemming as Recall Enhancement.
In Hans-Peter Frei, D. Harman, P. Schauble, and Ross Wilkinson,
editors, Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR
Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages
40-48, Zurich, Switzerland, 1996. ACM Press.
- 9
G. A. Miller.
WORDNET: A Lexical Database for English.
Communications of the ACM, 38(11):39-41, 1995.
- 10
A. F. Smeaton, F. Kelledy, and R. O'Donnell.
TREC-4 Experiments at Dublin City University: Thresholding Posting
Lists, Query Expansion with WordNet and POS Tagging of Spanish.
In Donna K. Harman, editor, The Fourth Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC-4), pages 373-390, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1995. Department of
Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special
Publication 500-236.
- 11
Ellen M. Voorhees.
Query Expansion using Lexical-Semantic Relations.
In W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen, editors, Proceedings
of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, pages 61-69, Dublin, Ireland, June
1994. ACM Press.
- 12
Wessel Kraaij and Renée Pohlmann.
Using Linguistic Knowledge in Information Retrieval.
Technical Report OTS Working Paper OTS-WP-CL-96-001, OTS, Utrecht,
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- 13
Allan Smeaton and Ian Quigley.
Experiments on using semantic distances between words in image
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In H. Frei, Donna Harman, P. Schäuble, and R. Wilkinson, editors,
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Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages 174-180. ACM
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- 14
R. Richardson and A. F. Smeaton.
Using wordnet in a knowledge-based approach to information retrieval.
In Proceedings of the 17th BCS-IRSG Colloquium on Information
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- 15
Julio Gonzalo, Felisa Verdejo, Irina Chugur, and Juan Cigarrán.
Indexing with wordnet synsets can improve text retrieval.
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- 16
M. Sanderson.
Word Sense Disambiguation and Information Retrieval.
In W. Bruce Croft and C. J. van Rijsbergen, editors, Proceedings
of the 17th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, pages 142-151, Dublin, Ireland, June
1994. ACM Press.
- 17
Ellen M. Voorhees and Donna K. Harman, editors.
The Sixth Text REtrieval Conference (TREC-6).
Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication 500-240, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1997.
- 18
Joel L. Fagan.
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- 19
Mandar Mitra, Chris Buckley, Amit Singhal, and Claire Cardie.
An Analysis of Statistical and Syntactic Phrases.
In Proceedings of RIAO'97 Computer-Assisted Information
Searching on Internet, pages 200-214, McGill University, Montreal, Canada,
- 20
Wessel Kraaij and Renée Pohlmann.
Comparing the Effect of Syntactic vs. Statistical Phrase Indexing
Strategies for Dutch.
In Christos Nicolaou and Constantine Stephanidis, editors, Proceedings of Second European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology
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- 21
T. Strzalkowski and J. P. Carballo.
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- 22
C. Zhai, X. Tong, N. M. Frayling, and D. A. Evans.
Evaluation of Syntactic Phrase Indexing -- CLARIT NLP Track
In Donna K. Harman and Ellen M. Voorhees, editors, The Fifth
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(NIST) Special Publication 500-238.
- 23
A. F. Smeaton, R. O'Donnell, and F. Kelledy.
Indexing Structures Derived from Syntax in TREC-3: System
In Donna K. Harman, editor, The Third Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC-3), pages 55-67, Gaithersburg, Md. 20899, 1994. Department of
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Publication 500-225.
- 24
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- 25
A. T. Arampatzis, T. Tsoris, and C. H. A. Koster.
IRENA: Information Retrieval Engine based on Natural language
In Proceedings of RIAO'97 Computer-Assisted Information
Searching on Internet, pages 159-175, McGill University, Montreal, Canada,
- 26
D. A. Hull, G. Grefenstette, B. M. Schulze, E. Gaussier, H. Schutze, and J. O.
Xerox TREC-5 Site Report: Routing, Filtering, NLP, and Spanish
In D. K. Harman and E. M. Voorhees, editors, The Fifth Text
REtrieval Conference (TREC-5), pages 167-180, Gaithersburg, Md. 20899,
1996. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) Special Publication 500-238.
- 27
Tomek Strzalkowski, Fang Lin, Jin Wang, and Jose Perez-Carballo.
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In Tomek Strzalkowski, editor, Natural Language Information
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- 28
A. T. Arampatzis, Th. P. van der Weide, C. H. A. Koster, and P. van Bommel.
Text Filtering using Linguistically-motivated Indexing Terms.
Technical Report CSI-R9901, Computing Science Institute, University
of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, January 1999.
- 29
P.D. Bruza and Th.P. van der Weide.
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- 30
David D. Lewis and W. Bruce Croft.
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In Proceedings of the 13th Annual International ACM SIGIR
Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pages
385-405. ACM Press, 1990.
avi (dot) arampatzis (at) gmail